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  • delphi_searchengine.rar ... on a few of the tabs It is not needed by the search engine itself. however it is included in the archive. And you will have to add the component.. Use as a stand Alone Search Engine or add the form into your application. New/more search ...
  • rk_str.rar RK算法:Rabin Karp string search algorithm,一种高效的字符串搜索算法
  • dvdSearch.rar 碟机Search流程说明 Search过程中,主要涉及到的问题是Search(搜索) 和Match(匹配),其目的就是能够准确地给光头定位。如果匹配才算是成功的?要跳转多少个Track ... 在koala这个项目中,当 Servo不在做顺序读取,而因为某些特定目的要求需要做跳转读取,这时就需要用到Search功能,快速跳转至指定位置读取数据。比如说歌曲跳转,当播放完前一首歌时,开始播放下一首 ... 该首歌的开始数据位置,但因为前后两首歌的数据地址可能不是连续的,这就需要根据前后两首歌的地址差值进行Search动作。
  • TravelingSalesmanProblemwithGeneticAlgorithm.rar ... file can Find a (near) optimal solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) by setting up a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to search for the shortest path (least distance needed to travel to each city exactly once) Notes: 1. Input error checking included ...
  • Ontologybasedpersonalizedsearch.rar Ontology based personalized search A master thesis
  • googlebrowser.rar use java aplication to search in google web
  • optimalBinarySeachTree.rar Build an optimal binary search tree using dynamic programming.
  • DesktopSearch__lucene.zip 这是一个关于如何利用LUCENE.DLL调用LUCENE算法的源代码。利用该算法可自己生成一个效率极高的桌面搜索程序。当然生成index的时间倒是比较漫长。GOOGLE DESKTOP SEARCH 也就是用的这个核心算法。
  • bin_search.rar c code for binary search
  • sequential_search.rar c code for sequencial search for