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  • NumericalMethods-Real-TimeandEmbeddedSystemsProgra ... of arithmetic as they exist on a computer. That conclusion and this book are the result of a long and frustrating search for information on writing arithmetic routines for real-time embedded systems. With instruction cycle times coming down and clock ...
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  • Search.rar 做了个很小的程序,里面主要是为了探讨一下关于位图的句柄与指针之间的关系,本人对这个弄得还不是很清楚,特请高手指点
  • SnakesDemo.zip Active contour demo implements snake, which essentially is an A* search. This can be used for image registration, segmentation, feature extraction.
  • SFProgWed.rar The concept of Adaptive Memory coupled with advances in neighborhood structures derived from dynamic and adaptive search constructions have been the source of numerous important developments in metaheuristic optimization throughout the last decade.
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  • GraphLib_src.zip ... and algorithms that you must have learned from text books. The Graph data structure is implemented as its natural structure. Taking advantage of C++ STL associative container, it is of high performance and efficiency when deletion insertion and search.
  • Binary-Search.rar function Binary_Search(L,a,b,x) begin if a>b then return(-1) else begin m:=(a+b) div 2 if x=L[m] then return(m) else if x>L[m] then
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