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  • nette-acl ... most simple application in Nette Framework to demonstrate ACL authorization mechanizm. Admin section is protected by Nette\Security\Acl. - Nette Framework not included! - make `log`, `temp`, `temp/cache` and `temp/sessions` writtable - database schema ...
  • ACL-CakePHP-Exemplo Código fonte para criar um ACL usando o framework CakePHP CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP which uses commonly known design patterns like Active Record, Association Data Mapping, Front Controller and MVC. Our primary goal is to provide a ...
  • Kohana-ACL ACL for Kohana 3.0.8 ## ACL module for Kohana v3.0.6+. Working with Auth for now and support only Jelly. In future it will support more orms and in theory can be used with different auth libraries (A1 for instance). To work with your favorite orm ...
  • acl Github hosted fork of libacl with updated NFSv4 ACL patches Access control list package README __________________________________ Package ... installation and post- install configuration steps. Refer to the acl(5) manual page for general access control list ...
  • CakePHP-1.3.x-ACL-samples ... 5.9 - PHP 5 - CakePHP 1.3.13 - Alaxos Plugin ACL 1.0.7 [Installations] 1. Copy all files to ... でログインします。 6.ログインできたら成功です! [Relevant Documents] 1. Simple Acl controlled Application :: Tutorials & Examples :: The Manual :: 1.3 ...
  • Zend-Acl-Module ... the controller to cache all the actions/controllers of your application - app/modules/acl Contains the module controller class - library/Acl Contains the logic of the module - zend-acl-dump.sql Contains the structure of the tables needed for the ...
  • acl-chinese ... `Ansi Common Lisp 原書地址 acl.html/>`_ 繁簡中文翻譯版,無正式 ... 大家在 `github項目頁面 acl-chinese>`_ 開任務給我作改善。 我 ... 至 `這裡 acl-trans-errors/>`_ 留言。 聯繫我 =========== (用 ...
  • acl ... on YaAcl Round of pair programming. We tried writing acl based on [YaAcl](https://github.com/mokevnin/ya_acl) ... acl.allow?(:name, :update, [:editor], :first => true, :second => false) acl.allow?(:name, :update, [:editor], :first => false, :second => true) ...
  • puppet-acl A puppet module for POSIX ACLs # puppet-acl A puppet module for POSIX ACLs See https://github.com/dobbymoodge/puppet-acl @doobymoodge has taked the much further than I obviously had an interest for.
  • acl acl spike