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  • acl ... for Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, Solaris(x86), Windows, Android, IOS # acl -- One advanced C/C++ library for Unix/Windows. ... 3.5、图例](#35图例) * [3.6、acl 库中有大量示例可供参考 ... v3 license (see [LICENSE.txt](LICENSE.txt) in the acl project) ## 六、参考 - WEB 站点: https://blog. ...
  • x-acl ... is the minimum version* * GNU Make ## Configuration Access Controls x-acl manage only from configuration file. For example: [guest] ... is done you'll see: Finished building target: x-acl ## How to use After build you can execute the ...
  • zf1-sample-acl zf1-sample-acl
  • ACL ACL ===
  • vitsaus-acl Simple acl library for node.js Vitsaus-Acl - Simple acl library for node.js ============================================ @todo
  • acl-lean ... propositional access control logic with "says" operator. Implements Seq-ACL, an analytic labeled sequent calculus for access control ... translation to GNU-Prolog and relative C bindings provided. ACL-Lean: Access Control Logic Theorem Prover To launch ACL ...
  • seq-acl A decidable theorem prover for the modal access control logic "ACL+". Implements an analytic labeled sequent calculus for access control logic along with an automatic generation of human-readable proofs. Seq-ACL+: A Decidable Theorem Prover for ACL ...
  • virgen-acl ... , there are no DB lookups when querying the ACL, allowing your app to respond as quickly as ... "); // Admin inherits from no one // Set up resources acl.addResource("blog"); // blog resource, inherits no resources // Set ...
  • kohana-db-acl ... # Access Control Module for the Kohana Framework Database-based ACL module for Kohana 3.3 / PHP 5.4. Users ... "require": { "php": ">=5.4.0", "composer/installers": "*", "anroots/db-acl":"1.*" } } ``` * Enable in bootstrap.php (above/before auth/orm ...
  • acl Adds Access Control to Google App Engine Entities # acl Package acl adds Access Control to Google App Engine Entities entities ### install ### `` go get github.com/gaego/acl ``