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  • CodeIgniter-ACL-Library Реализация ACL библиотеки для CodeIgniter, по мотивам Zend_Acl. CodeIgniter ACL Library ======================= Реализация ACL библиотеки для CodeIgniter, по мотивам Zend_Acl. Необходимая версия CodeIgniter ------------------------------ * 2.X.X
  • Acl ... return X < $shoppingBag->getAmount() && time() + M * 60 > $shoppingBag->getCheckoutTime(); } } $acl->isAllowed( $userLoggedVisitor, $permissionBuy, $serviceProduct, new DoNotBuyThatMuch() ); ``` Obviously, the ...
  • mongoose-acl ... : ``` subject.getAccess --> hybrid.getSubjectAccess subject.setAccess --> hybrid.setSubjectAccess ``` ```javascript UserSchema.plugin(acl.hybrid); var user = ...; user.setAccess('*', ['read']); user.setSubjectAccess(user, ['write', 'delete']); ``` ...
  • myersd-ci-acl My Codeigniter ACL libs
  • simple-acl ... need a simple well-tested module to do ACL. * Simple concept of `grant`, `assert` and `revoke`. See ... , callback) { }; MyStore.prototype.revoke = function(grantee, resource, callback) { }; acl.use(new MyStore()); Pretty simple, huh? To verify ...
  • CodeIgniter-ACL A small ACL library for CodeIgniter Framework CodeIgniter-ACL =============== A small ACL library for CodeIgniter Framework using Jamie Rumbelow's MY_Model (http://github.com/jamierumbelow/codeigniter-base-model) #### This library should not be ...
  • cakephp2-acl-gui GUI to manage ACL in CakePHP 2 without console cakephp2-acl-gui ================ GUI to manage ACL in CakePHP 2 without console
  • node-acl ... NodeJS # node-acl Access control module for Node with web interface for management. Under heavy development. ## Basic Elements `node-acl` uses three building main blocks for defining access control, they are: * `request`, each individual **item** ...
  • silex-acl-demo ... Demo Silex ACL Demo ============== This is a demo of Symfony's ACL using Silex. I've tried to annotate the services in ` ... ``` > git clone git@github.com:davedevelopment/silex-acl-demo.git > cd silex-acl-demo > composer.phar install > bin/doctrine orm: ...
  • 3-Hours-Dungeon-ACL-Research-Project Description: This project basically served as a launching point for me to learn ACL's in the cakephp framework. For all intensive purposes, this project is depreciated but servers to remind me of what I have accomplished in cake. /////////////////// ...