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  • ACE.rar ACE自适配通信环境(Adaptive Communication Environment)是一种面向对象(OO)的工具包,它实现了通信软件的许多基本的设计模式。ACE的目标用户是在UNIX和Win32平台上开发高性能通信服务和应用的开发者。ACE简化了使用进程间通信、事件多路分离、显式动态链接和并发的OO网络应用和服务的开发。通过在运行时将服务与应用动态链接进应用,并在一个或多个进程或线程中执行这些服务,ACE使系统的配置和重配置得以自动化。
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  • mls.rar Least mean squares (LMS) algorithms is a type of adaptive filter used to mimic a desired filter by finding the filter coefficients that relate to producing the least mean squares of the error signal (difference between the desired and the actual signal). ...
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  • ctex.rar ... information. For this we will be using an unsupervised image segmentation framework (referred to as CTex) that is based on the adaptive inclusion of color and texture in the process of data partition. It is new formulation for the extraction of color ...
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  • BA_quant.rar This fuction performs backward adaptive quantisation of the input vector x It returns the quantised signal yb, the quantised index ... used for each sample of yb The algorithm commences with the step size set according to a non adaptive unfirom quantiser