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  • quantise.rar perform adaptive quantisation of the parameter in Implementation of the g.721 adaptive quantiser of P.188 "Digital Compression for Multimedia"
  • FA_quant.rar [ya,ind,sd]=FA_quant(x,l) This fuction performs Forward adaptive quantisation of the input vector x using the block size specified in l It returns the quantised signal ya, the quantised index ind for each sample of ya and the quantiser step size ...
  • MRACS.rar code for the model reference adaptive control system
  • AdaptiveWaveletThresholdingForImageDenoisingAndCom 一篇很好的学习小波域统计模型去噪的文章!Adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression!
  • trainE.zip Least mean squares (LMS) algorithms is a type of adaptive filter used to mimic a desired filter by finding the filter coefficients that relate to producing the least mean squares of the error signal (difference between the desired and the actual signal)
  • Hough_line.rar Hough Line Transform using Open CV, adaptive threeshold is employed
  • adaptcdma.rar Adaptive DS-CDMA Receiver
  • 3PG.zip Adaptive post-processing algorithm for video signals
  • Tuning_PID_MRAC.rar tuning PID this application of model reference adaptive control
  • mm.rar ... to Professor Thomas Kailath on his 70th birthday Abstract. Adaptive control is a very appealing technology, at least in ... such distrustfulness is warranted, by reviewing a number of adaptive control approaches which have proved deficient for some reason ...