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  • AdaptiveControlSystems.rar Adaptive Control Systems
  • ADPCMCodec.rar ... to achieve this level of compression, the algorithm maintains an adaptive value predictor, which uses the distance between previous samples to ... samples is quantized down to a new sample using an adaptive step-size. The algorithm in [1] suggests using a ...
  • BS.rar Adaptive control, backstepping method Application on machine asynchrony , programming with Matlab
  • Noise_Control_ANC.rar This is a good document for active noise cancellation (ANC) simetimes called Adaptive noise control system.
  • ADWIN_C++.zip Adwin C++ is a Adaptive sliding window model for frequent itemset mining over data stream
  • ADWIN_Java.zip Adwin is Adaptive sliding window model designed in java for frequent item set mining over data streams
  • IEEEXplore.rar A Novel Cloud-based Fuzzy Self-adaptive Ant Colony System
  • so_fdaf.zip Self-Orthogonalizing Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filter Based on Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory 4th ed. Section 7.2
  • HDLImplementationoftheVariableStepSize.rar proposes a Verilog implementation of the Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) adaptive algorithm, having a variable step size. The envisaged application is the identification of an unknown system. First the convergence of derived LMS algorithms was ...
  • LEACH_m.zip low energy adaptive clustering code in matlab for wireless sensor netwoks