Go To English Version 超过100万源码资源,1000万源码文件免费下载
  • watchdog.zip watchdog full code for avr atmega 16
  • termometr.zip Source code for measure temperature for Atmel Butterfly (ATMEGA 169) in ASM
  • MOTOR.zip this is program for motor speed controll using pwm mechanism in avr atmega 8
  • MiniLineFollowingrobot.zip ATmega based mini line follower
  • ATMEGA128studyboard.rar ATMEGA 128 学习板详细电路图 ATMEGA 128 功能: 53I/O pins, ADC, PWM, 计时器, 全双工异/同步串行口
  • 19264(atmega32).rar Atmega 32驱动19264点阵 平 台:WINAVR 图像平移 图像横向滚动
  • 1621LCD.rar atmega 16(HT1621) winavr ht1621 驱动 lcd 附1621资料
  • AvrCalc.zip avr(atmega series) register calculator - baudrate, clk, etc.. quite usefull
  • SMSRemoteControl.rar SMS Remote control system based on ATMEGA 32 MCU.
  • glcd3-atmega.zip Simulate KS0108 graphical LCD with Proteus simulator