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  • ade7754.rar spi code for ede7754 using atmega 32
  • testcodeforatmega.rar embedded code to test atmega micro controller
  • USBtoRS232AppNote.zip usb design with avr atmega 32 0r 2333
  • DAQ.rar Data aquisition system using atmega 32
  • ir.rar Ir decoder for ATMega
  • project_bell_2.zip This file is code in IAR EWAVR and Proteus files an project bell2 .MCPU is Atmega 8 .Realised SPI and I2C programm procedures .
  • AtmegaAVR.rar 40个AVR单片机学习使用的例程,Atmega单片机汇编和C语言编程快速入门
  • atmega32_lcd.rar some source code using atmega 32 and display something on lcd
  • Bloom_filter_(C).zip bloom filter in c language fot atmega micro
  • SL_atmega8_source.rar ATMEGA 8 实验板 所有板上资源演示程序,全部验证通过。