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  • SPI_Glcd.rar its a code for driving GLCD on atmega 16
  • PWM.zip atmega单片机pwm脉宽调制程序,已成功实现功能。
  • SD.zip 基于宽电压范围的Atmega 128L 8位单片机在 winavr环境下,使用C语言实现了单片机对SD卡的读写,程序有注解!
  • atmega8_cn.zip atmega 8 开发使用手册
  • lcd.zip ATMEGA LCD driver for test only
  • 7Segment.rar AVR Studio Assembly program for 7 Segment display with atmega 8
  • mega128_net.rar Atmel ATMEGA 128 development board
  • psgroove_ATMEGA_prototype.zip ATMEGA prototype board example
  • lcd.rar lcd library for atmega microcontrollers
  • microcontroller_neural_network.rar This is a simple program to calculate the output of artificial neural network (ANN) using microcontroller ATMega 32. Assume that the neural architecture is : 2 hidden layers with 4 and 2 neurons respectively and 1 layer output with 1 neuron.This ...