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  • IDEA.rar ... James L. Massey in 1990 jointly proposed. As a block cipher designed a wonderful work, IDEA algorithm has strong anti-attack capability. Because encryption PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software showed a very high security, and IDEA is the actual text of PGP ...
  • bishops.rar ... chess which is played on a board of square grids. A bishop can only move diagonally from its current position and two bishops attack each other if one is on the path of the other. In the following figure, the dark squares represent the reachable locations ...
  • ch18.rar 本目录下存放了演示web应用安全技术的例程序,具体用法如下: 1.attack目录是演示JSP安全性漏洞及对策的web应用程序,可以直接部署到应用服务器并运行。 2.security目录下存放演示保护web资源的例程序,tomcat子目录下存放可以在tomcat下运行的web应用程序(security目录)及在 tomcat下配置安全域的配置文件样例(配置文件目录), weblogic子目录存放可以在weblogic下运行的web应用程序。
  • dct1_embed.rar ... of simple and reliable harries detector and image normalization, is proposed. The feather points remain holding after geometry attack. Applying image normalization to these non-overlapped circles which centered at the feature points, after that, we can ...
  • dwt_recover.rar ... circles. In this way, the synchronization issue for watermark embedding and detecting can be best solved. Simulation results show that this method can resist variety of Geometry Attack, such as rotation, scaling, shearing and other common signal attacks.
  • Attack.rar 一个简单的DDOS攻击程序,仅供各位搞安全的兄弟参考
  • attack.rar 局域网入侵器.rar,在局域网内入侵,慎用!
  • SibairWall.zip ... - See the currents open ports on your computer - Detect the possible intrusions by the most important Trojans ! (red light and attack list) - Save the attacks to a log - View the network rate in the systray you can update the delay of the ...
  • attack.rar 一套由matlab编程的基于小波的水印应用图片例子
  • websafe.rar 本文挡主要探讨一些web代码安全里比较隐秘,容易被程序员忽视的问题. 主要内容: 二次攻击[Second attack] 类型1:通过文件系统函数漏洞转换 类型2:通过SQL注射漏洞转换 类型3:通过正则表达式中转变量 类型4:通过编码/解码中转变量 数组变量的魅力 Code与系统 Code与http协议 漏洞挖掘