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  • noiseattack.zip noise attack for digital watermarking
  • 20070930_Bericht_side_channel_v2.pdf.zip german side channel attack description
  • Smart_Card_Applications.rar ... not only memory capacity, but computational capability as well. The self-containment of smart card makes it resistant to attack as it does not need to depend upon potentially vulnerable external resources. Because of this characteristic, smart cards are ...
  • ServerAttackBy-C-4.zip Attack any server and paralyse it by sending more than 200 request to open the website at the same time
  • High_performance_linux_cluster_attack_scenarios.r High performance linux cluster attack scenarios
  • advanced_sql_injection.rar how to prevent sql injection attack
  • DosAttacked.rar Dos Attack how to attack DOS
  • Tribe_FloodNet_2k.rar Functionality additions: * Remote one-way command execution for distributed execution control * Mix attack aimed at weak routers * Targa3 attack aimed at systems with IP stack vulnerabilities * Compatibility to many UNIX systems and Windows NT
  • N_Queens.rar ... chessboard such that none of them is able to capture any other using the standard chess queen s moves. The queens must be placed in such a way that no queens would be able to attack each other. Here I get n and show you the position of queens.
  • java.zip This program will sniiff arp packets followed by poisoning attack.