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  • RJ010401(QLSL).zip 西工大程序设计大赛作品 拿出来与大家分享 含完整工作日记 历史备分 源代码及注释 RPG(role-playing game,角色扮演类游戏) 战斗用菜单操作:一级菜单有两项,attack(一般攻击),magic(使用魔法);当选magic后会出现第二级菜单,heal(治疗),magicattack(魔法攻击)。
  • GameSpaceHarryExe.rar Simple Space Harrier game for demonstration purposes. It has only one type of enemy which attack you in the same attack pattern indefinitely. The game is written in C++ Builder using the STL, Boost and VCL libraries.
  • AutorunVirusRemover.rar Autorun Virus Remover provides protection against any malicious programs trying to attack
  • DDoSPHP.rar DDoS attack stie and you counld not use to attack any site
  • Nqueen.rar ... 上,问所有正确的摆法。-In an N × N chess board placed on N (1 £ N £ 12) a Queen, so that they can not attack each other, that is, any two can not be Queen' s in the same line, same column or diagonal on the same and asked all the right before the law. ...
  • RSA.ZIP C++ implementaion for RSA together with the Wiener attack. It uses NTL library for big numbers
  • aircrack-ng-1.0-rc3.tar.gz ... enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools. ...
  • nqueenproblem.rar This program finds the locations of placing n queens in a n*n chessboard so that none attack any other
  • IDS_of_blackhole_attacksaodv.rar Intrusion detection for black hole attack on AODV protocol.