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  • bst.cpp.tar.gz this is a binary search tree implementation including insert, find, delete etc. functions.
  • wanmeifuzhu.rar 完美世界的一个小辅助工具!自动点技能!Insert键快捷启动,Delete键快捷停止!用易语言编写的!给初学者看一下,代码一目了然!比较简单!
  • SQLServlet.rar Insert,update,delete in servlet
  • C_File_System_Simulation.rar 文件系统的模拟本系统可以实现改变目录(cd),创建文件(create),删除文件(delete),显示目录(dir),创建目录(mkdir)以及退出系统(exit)。
  • BD.rar create DB by using vc++. we can add, delete and search information in this data base.
  • 3a.zip An Inventory System, you can add, edit, sort, find, delete, print, change your password and create a backup of your database, I used MS Access database and some SQL commands.
  • etranger_meursault.rar will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory
  • xmlDel.rar An sample application to demonstrate the Delete operation in XML Files using c sharp
  • bookstockv2.zip ... Database This example consists of 3 samples I have made to show how to perform basic ADO.NET connectivity with a Ms Access 2000 Database and how to Add, View , Edit , Delete records from it. It also demonstrates how to DataBind TextBoxes to a DataSet.
  • app1.zip System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.