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  • pc_remote_control.zip ... . All Numerical Keys (0 - 9) Arithmetic Keys (+, -, /, *) Enter, Escape, Help, Refresh, Caps lock, Tab, Back space, delete, Left, Right, Up, down arrows, Page up, Page down, Window keys. Calculator, Notepad CD drive Open/Close Control panel Computer log ...
  • Bluetooth_Messenger.zip Bluetooth messenger. Please read your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory
  • GUI_2.zip Demonstrate how to delete an entry from a uicontrol string. Creates a listbox with some strings in it and a pushbutton. When user pushes the pushbutton, the selected entry in the listbox will be deleted.
  • GUI_5.zip function [] = GUI_5() Demonstrate how to use a pushbutton to delete bits of string and how to let the user know that ... the user is informed that there is nothing left to delete if the delete button is pressed again. A color change accompanies ...
  • oughg6129.zip your package and describe it at least 40 bytes in English. System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
  • automat2.zip System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
  • Qt_QRentBook_Example_v1_1_en.zip ... to access a SQLite 3 database. The application demonstrates how to use different QtSql classes to search, insert, update, and delete data from the database. The example also shows how to map UI components to the database using the QDataWidgetMapper and ...
  • Agenda.rar 采用面向对象方法和JAVA语言开发一个基于命令行交互方式的议程管理系统,已注册到系统的用户(user)可添加(add)删除(delete)查询系统中的会议(meeting)安排。系统还提供注册和清楚自己议程的功能。
  • leak_new.rar 对c++中new,delete操作符进行重载,实现具体文件具体行内存泄漏的检测。
  • ch03.rar 创建变量和编写各种类型的常量。C++处理内存分配的一些方法,包括用于显示地管理内存的new和delete操作符