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  • te5.rar WHY IS IT THAT System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please our package and describe iFOR
  • LFSS.zip ... to-peer network, i.e. locate files at peers c. Fetch files from the peer-to-peer network, i.e. make a local copy d. Insert files into the peer-to-peer network, i.e. upload a new file e. Remove files from the peer-to-peer network, i.e. delete a file.
  • rsp_mp3_dll_126_build_2010_src.zip ... , Vista and Windows 7 safe 2-It will create some small temp files on the temp path, the settings are saved on the temp path too , under the name /RSP_Software/ It is safe to delete this folder too Documentaton is available online on the homepage
  • keep.rar ... in the workspace but important ones. When you have many variables and want to delete most of them, this function allow you to "keep" them without typing "clear " and the name of all variables to delete. It has the same usage than clear.
  • Tertris.rar 1.实现穿透 2.实现消减 按Delete键 3.实现增加 按Insert键 4.实现炸弹功能 ,删去周围的方块 5 .下下一个方块 DNEXT显示 6.按钮提示 7 .下落 阴影 提示 8.把下一个方块或下下一个方块 与当前方块交换(当按下下一个方块或下下一个方块时) 9. 按End键 让当前方块下降到 最下面的可放位置. 10. 从开始游戏每过60秒 暂停时间不算在内 从下面升高一行 11. 功能说明.
  • brewappmgr.rar brewappmgr examples System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
  • Customer_Collection_Application.rar A simple code in vb.net with Access database. A customer collection application with code for search, modify delete ..
  • Agenda.rar 采用面向对象方法和Java语言开发的一个基于命令行交互方式的(agenda)管理系统。 已注册到系统的用户(user)可添加(add)、删除(delete)、查询(query)系统中记录的会议(meeting)安排。系统还提供新用户注册(register),清除(clear)某一用户所有会议安排等管理功能。
  • PagerDemoSrc.zip ... how to add an Outlook style shortcut bar to your application. You can add shortcuts for your application, insert items such as tree controls, set background color, icon size, edit, rename or delete items and folders, animate icon selection.
  • linkedlist.rar single linked list-add new name and age-delete-list discording to name or age