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  • Blob_Remover.rar The routine is able to delete group of pixel lower than a threshold (number of pixels) from a binary image. It works with bmp images as raw images
  • Defuzzy.rar The routine is able to delete "fuzzy coefficient" from an Ascii list of segments.
  • WFF_HID_Communication_Class_Demo_1_1.zip System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
  • delete(cpp).rar 算法与数据结构 线性表 删除操作 代码实现
  • Tertris.rar 完整版俄罗斯方块 1.实现穿透 2.实现消减 按Delete键 3.实现增加 按Insert键 4.实现炸弹功能 ,删去周围的方块 5 .下下一个方块 DNEXT显示 6.按钮提示 7 .下落 阴影 提示 8.把下一个方块或下下一个方块 与当前方块交换(当按下下一个方块或下下一个方块时) 9. 按End键 让当前方块下降到 最下面的可放位置. 10. 从开始游戏每过60秒 暂停时间不算在内 从下面升高一行 11. 功能说明.
  • drawingproject.rar ... can appear in either red, green, or blue. The editing operations allow you to change an object’s color, to drag an object, to delete an object, to move an object to the front of the linear order, to move an object to the back of the linear order, and ...
  • te1.rar HELP1 IS THE WAY will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.
  • te2.rar HELP1 IS THE WAY will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.BUT
  • te3.rar HELP1 IS THE WAY will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please do not put files on these two directory.BUT WHAT
  • te4.rar WHY IS IT THAT System will automatically delete the directory of debug and release, so please our package and describe i