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  • loadgraph.zip this is a visual c++ 2008 project witch opens c:\testgraph.grf ( made from graph edit or graph studio ) and runs it
  • VC_ListControl.rar listcontrol控件加入EDIT控件
  • AccessADOovernetwork.zip Using a winsock control to access a ADO database over a network/dialup connection, example included for add/edit/delete/save records.
  • browse_score_xls.rar Matlab GUI程序, 带文件名browse功能,可打开excel文件。使用了listbox,edit,button等控件。 从excel文件中读取信息,显示在姓名和成绩两个窗口中,且可以在姓名窗口点选一个或多个姓名来显示对比成绩; 其中提供了文件浏览窗口,可供选取文件。 本例针对成绩文件score.xls,结构是:姓名,语文,数学,英语若干成绩。
  • Expresso.zip ... provides a powerful class Regex for creating and using Regular Expressions. While regular expressions are a powerful way to parse, edit, and replace text, the complex syntax makes them hard to understand and prone to errors, even for the experienced user ...
  • Jtable.rar ... JTable you come across two main features 1)JTable 2)TableModel With JTable you can display the data. You can allow the user to edit the data. The tableModel takes care of the data to be displayed using JTable. The JTable is normally added in <I& ...
  • My_Report.rar report editor application by external passing so without runing master program u can edit report
  • O2Note.rar O2 Note - change and edit note from o2mania
  • BUeditor.rar Beat up editor edit beat up note audition
  • FileRelation2.rar 这里用文件来做功能的说明,就是将编辑框中的内容保存为自己定义的后缀“.bing”,打开时只能打开后缀为“.bing”的文件,并将该文件的内容显示在Edit控件中,第一次运行程序后,程序在注册表中注册并将“.bing”文件和程序关联。当双击后缀为“.bing”的文件后,会自动运行改程序,并将该文件的内容显示在Edit控件中。程序路径改变后,在运行一次程序,该车姑娘徐将自动修改注册表里响应的路径来关联文件。