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  • vb-explorer.rar vb写的资源管理器和系统自带的资源管理器有相同之处
  • DirExp.zip Directory explorer - example C++/clr
  • WPF_Explorer_Tree.zip A desktop folders and files explorer using WPF (windows presentation fundation)
  • WebBrowser.rar C#编写的仿系统Internet Explorer 浏览器的功能,完成上网的常用操作,而且程序很小巧。
  • ftb1.6.3_51aspx.rar FreeTextBox 是一个基于 Internet Explorer 中 MSHTML 技术的 ASP.NET 服务器控件。这是一款优秀的自由软件(Free Software),我们可以轻松地将其嵌入到 Web Forms 中实现 HTML 内容的在线编辑,在新闻发布、博客写作、论坛社区等多种 Web 系统中都会有用途,FTB_1.6.3_zh_Source是源码文件夹。该版本可以在Asp.net2.0中使用,详见代码佩文
  • CopyLocation.zip It copies file path to cilp board. It use in window explorer
  • enumerate_process_with_icons.rar ... (get) from Windows-WMI using quary, all processes and sub-threads. this includes 32X32 icon and 16X16 icon of every exe, the example is for tree representing the Process-SubProcess structure, for example mspaint opened using explorer.exe (windows shell).
  • CreateVI.rar 用LabVIEW实现一个可以在Windows Explorer中直接生成Vi程序
  • USBSafelyRemove.rar ... by Windows on connection. You have to run "Scan For Hardware Changes" from Windows Device Manager in order to see your drive in Explorer. You know it s a boring to do many clicks in order to get to Device Manager so we added this ability to the quick ...
  • FileExplorer.rar java File Explorer java File Explorer