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  • source.rar extracting a genbank file with regular explorer
  • mfcie.rar MFCIE 示例使用 MFC 的 CHtmlView 和 CReBar 类来实现由 Microsoft Internet Explorer 提供的功能的子集。
  • WindowsAPISoruces.rar windows API(清华大学冉林仓编著)源代码,包括8章。本书在介绍Win 32 API函数调用的基础上,重点介绍如何使用Windows SDK API开发Win 32动态链接库和应用程序,并结合进程管理、进程通信、钩子函数、窗口子类化、API HOOK、Internet Explorer开发、网络编程等介绍了API函灵敏在这些方面的综合应用。 本书中的实例源代码可通过 本书主要面向熟悉Windows开发且有一定编程基础的中高级用户,旨在帮助用户提高系统编程的能力。
  • ToolBarDlg.rar 一个演示在对框上创建和Internet Explorer外观一样的工具栏。
  • Windows2000GroupPolicy.rar ... configurations for groups of computers and users. Group Policy includes options for registry-based policy settings, security settings, software installation, scripts, folder redirection, Remote Installation Services, and Internet Explorer maintenance.
  • SNMP-Explorer.rar 本程序可以探测网络上某特定路由器的相邻路由器连接拓扑图,并在用户界面是一图状结构显示;同时提供显示路由器详细信息,获得路由器所在子网全部主机信息等相关功能。
  • url_loaderv1.zip ... classess and a component to simplify the task of downloading data from URLs. It is intended to be used by ActiveX controls embedded into Internet enabled containers (mainly MS Internet Explorer). But it can be used in standalone applications as well.
  • socketERPserver.rar ERP服务器端通讯总管示例文件。 ERP server-side communications Explorer sample file.
  • bcb-html.rar this is a useful code for C++ Builder users who want to writing applications based on Internet Explorer Server. by this code also you can attach to HTML events such as onclick or onchange from C++ Builder application.
  • mini_web_brows.zip Mini WebBrowser - пример создания достаточно продвинутого Веб Браузера, аналогичного таким программным продуктам, как: Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox и т.п. - Автор Thomas Stutz.