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  • 自组织特征映射应用实例.zip 开发环境:Matlab 简要说明:自组织特征映射模型(Self-Organizing feature Map),认为一个神经网络接受外界输入模式时,将会分为不同的区域,各区域对输入模式具有不同的响应特征,同时这一过程是自动完成的。各神经元的连接权值具有一定的分布。最邻近的神经元互相刺激,而较远的神经元则相互抑制,更远一些的则具有较弱的刺激作用。自组织特征映射法是一种无教师的聚类方法。
  • etsre.tar.gz The Auerswald ETS 4308i ISDN PBX Reverse Engineering Project是一种完全开放式的源客户端软件适用于the Auerswald ETS 4308i ISDN PBX。它的目的是为有效地使用LCR-feature of the PBX 提供工具,为改换PBX的配置,为读取电话数量,为将ISDN-D-channel-protocol of the PBXzuop作为输入源或者isdnlog来使用。
  • svlib_pc.zip This class library contains more than 20 classes including feature extraction algorithms (MFCC, LPCC) and modeling techniques (HMM, GMM, DTW, VQ ) for automatic speech recognition and speaker verification
  • VaxSIPUserAgentSDK.zip It provides tools and components to quickly add SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) based IP-Telephony make and receive phone calls feature in your web pages and software applications.
  • gsnake.rar ... modeling, extraction, detection and classification, based on generalized active contour model (g-snake). GSNAKE consists of a set of objects built in C++, suitable for use in the area of feature extraction, character recognition, motion analysis and etc.
  • sipXcallLib.rar ... SDK) for SIP-based user agents. It includes SIP signalling support as well as a media framework. A complete and very feature rich softphone can be built easily by adding a graphical user interface on top of sipXtapi. Alternatively, sipXtapi was engineered ...
  • feature.rar usb驱动及其测试程序(演示如何清除设备状态)
  • featuredetection.rar The programs in this directory illustrate geometric feature detection
  • ABAQUStoMatlab.rar ... element analysis program which is widely used to analyses mechanical, structure and civil engineering problems. Abaqus has some special feature for analysing fracture mechanics problems, and therefore it is a main tools for the FE-analysis in the Fracture ...
  • lsq.rar ... . The module contains a test for singularities which is simpler and quicker than calculating the singular-value decomposition. An important feature of the algorithm is that it does not square the condition number. The matrix X X is not formed. Hence ...