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  • trackingGUI.zip 视频追踪的框架算法,实现了基于meanshift和feature based的跟踪算法
  • AdaptiveFeatureSelectionforHyperspectralDataAnalys 高光谱数据分析中的自适应特征提取算法adaptive feature selection
  • 3.rar Feature Extraction in Computer Vision and Image Processing - Mark S. Nixon
  • links-2.2.zip ELinks is an advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web (HTTP/FTP/..) browser. ELinks can render both frames and tables, is highly customizable and can be extended via Lua or Guile scripts. It is quite portable and runs on a variety of ...
  • Anautomaticimagestitchingalgorithmbasedonfeaturema This paper presents an image feature matching algorithm,based on what an image stitching algorithm can be fune— tioning.In this algorithm,Harris comer detector is used to extract featum points
  • parnrama.rar 根據sift feature 演算法找出特徵點後 進而將多張影像合成為一張大張的全景圖
  • feature.rar 本程序建立vc项目后可用,提取了图象的不同特征
  • MPEG.rar feature extraction from shapes
  • test12-1.rar feature extraction from shapes in image
  • Gradient_Feature_Selection_for_Online_Boosting.zip 关于on-line boosting的gradient feature selection的介绍