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  • 2101311822007625182702390932.rar Genetic algorithm, in this helps to determine the features present for the sample image which is considered for analysis
  • GeneticAlgorithm.rar genetic algorithm implementation for game engine design
  • Genetic.rar 我的毕设 利用Excel2007中VBA技术开发的求解物流配送中的车辆路径问题。适用于小规模的路径求解。
  • FGModel.zip foreground model for matching using genetic algorithm
  • IGASpr354073189X.rar this is a introduction book about genetic algorithm
  • Optimization.rar Genetic algorithm Beecolony PSO
  • dgpf_all_3.5.0.zip genetic algorithm framework
  • tspg.rar solving tsp by genetic algorithm
  • SimpleCross.rar Program for genetic algorithm. Simple cross algorithm
  • GeneticAlgorithmsPrograms.rar Genetic algorithms programs, uses different algorithms, such as the simple cross