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  • 1.zip It is a MatLab code for Genetic Algorithm
  • Genetic_algo2.zip some examples to solve problems with Genetic Algorithm. pdf
  • mtspv_ga1.zip Genetic Algorithm which was been used by MatLab codec
  • geneticalgorithm.zip I am submitting u the code for the Algorithm that got its popularity in these days because of the random search behaviour and other ideas which includes the natural behaviour.. THE GENETIC ALGORITHM
  • Genetic_Algorithms.zip ... . The first section is a straightforward introduction to genetic algorithms. In the second section, Michalewicz describes how ... in this field, discusses the rationale for using genetic algorithms for numerical optimization and describes several experiments ...
  • turboGA.zip Advanced version of Genetic Algorithm. This includers the turboGA concept..
  • genetic.rar 目前公认最好的神经网络工具箱,学习性能非常好,是机器学习及人工智能,自动控制,拟合,回归预测的好工具
  • AGeneticAlgorithmBasedSelectivePrincipal.zip Genetic algorithms based Principle
  • tsp_ga_cities.rar Develop a generic genetic algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem with 20 cities that are uniformly distributed within a unit square in a 2-dimensional plane.
  • GA.rar Genetic algorithm for optimization