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  • Scheduling_Scientific_Workflow_Applications_with_ ... tasks on utility Grid environments need to consider users’ QoS requirements. In this paper, we present a genetic algorithm approach to address scheduling optimization problems in workflow applications, based on two QoS constraints, deadline and budget ...
  • speedyGA.zip SpeedyGA is a vectorized implementation of a Simple Genetic Algorithm in Matlab Version 1.3 Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 Keki Burjorjee Created and tested under Matlab 7 (R14). Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the " ...
  • GeneticTesting.zip Genetic Algorithms as a Path Computation Algorithms
  • GAOFMK.zip solvind multidimentional knapsak problem with genetic algorithm
  • magic_square.rar Producing magic square of given size. used genetic algorithm.
  • BGA.rar This is a program for Binary Genetic Algorithm
  • AL.rar A GENETIC ALGORITHM is a a parallel search method that manipulates a string of numbers (a chromosome) in a manner similar to the laws of evolution and biology. In this software, that string of numbers represents parameters of a ...
  • ga.rar genetic algoritm for different objective functions and given constraiants
  • ep-2008-05-08.zip genetic algorithm uwsing php
  • gpcfo.rar genetic programming for cash flow forecasting