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  • ScrollingGameDevelopmentKit.rar ... Create a complete game or game components for external use. All apsects exposed through Scripting and COM, or playable in the built-in environment. Edit Graphics, Maps, Sprites, Paths, etc. Includes maze generator, automatic tile matching functionality
  • fb-graphics-0.02.gz 基于framebuffer的嵌入式图形库。
  • particlefilter.zip ... in the workspace to control behaviour: % % graphicsMode 0 no graphics, % 1 graphics, particles, beacons, ground truth % 2 graphics, as above + range circles % % perfect 0 use beacon range data % 1 use ground truth range data % ...
  • graphics.rar 用java语言实现的在任意点画圆和画线的程序。可以选择圆的圆点和半径,可以选择线的粗细,起始终止坐标,实线虚线等。
  • j2meapi07.rar ... (JSR-118) Mobile Media API 1.1 (JSR-135) Mobile 3D Graphics API (JSR184) PDA Pim 1.0 (JSR 75) PDA FileConnection (JSR 75) J2ME Web Services RPC (JSR 172) Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API (JSR-226) SIP API (JSR 180) Wireless Messaging API 1 ...
  • basic_math_tutorial_cg.rar Cg(C for Graphics,NVIDIA公司出品)语言写的数学工具包,学习在图形处理器上编程的学者可以用来研究Cg程序,以及作数值模拟在图形处理器上实现方面的研究
  • graphics.zip 学习《计算机图形学》时做的课程设计,主要功能有绘制直线、圆、曲线等。由于当时初学VC,代码比较粗糙,请多包涵。
  • CGFramework.rar ... windows programming issues, and helps them focus on the graphics algorithms, rather than some annoying GUI problems. It must ... CGFramework is merely a simple platform for practising some graphics algorithms. Due to its strictly limited functionality, this ...
  • A_Homogeneous_Transform_Class_for_the_ITK.4.rar Homogeneous transformations are widely used in computer vision and graphics. They commonly arise when considering the transformation of an image of a planar object under arbitrary camera motion, or the transformation of two images of the same scene due to ...
  • S1D13700tm.rar S1D13700资料S1D13700 Embedded Memory Graphics LCD Controller