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  • DynamicImage.rar 用PictureBox和Graphics类实现了5张图片的走马灯动画效果。多张图片逐个弹出,一张图片由小逐渐放大的同时上一张图片逐渐缩小并消失。初学者学习的好例子
  • 53718.zip 1 great game - written in C This is a very great game.It contains full use of mouse and keyboard made in graphics.Biginners can learn a lot from this game. :)
  • 45494.zip Ball game 1.2 A small ball game using graphics in c. Aim of the game is to stop the ball from hitting the right wall by moving the box. 10 points are given for stopping it once. Speed adds as the score increases by 100. This program was constructed ...
  • j2k_codec.zip ... 编解码器,附VC、Delphi等常用编程语言的使用例程 J2K-Codec ver 1.9 === === === === === === === === ===== Make your graphics look better with an easy-to-use JPEG 2000 decoding component. J2K-Codec can help game developers, screensaver creators and many others to ...
  • mpman.zip User manual of Metapost : A powerful graphics language
  • mpgraph.zip Drawing Graphs with Metapost : A powerful graphics language
  • mpintro.zip Introduction to Metapost : A powerful graphics language
  • Practical-introduction-to-MetaPost.zip Practical introduction to MetaPost : A powerful graphics language
  • Code.zip Computer Graphics with openGL习题答案
  • OpenGLGuidefromSiliconGraphics.zip OpenGL Guide from Silicon Graphics 计算机图形学很不错的参考书