from internet ..
Thanks to Yu Hen Hu for his JPEg encoder ..
Steps to Run:
1. Run jpegdemo.m (encoder) by Yu Hen Hu
2. Run ijpegdemo.m (decoder) by Ravi Lakkundi (Me)
Again Thanks to Yu Hen Hu for his support.
This piece of javascript code scraps a friend based on his/her uid when he/she comes online
his class for creating table widget and for manipulating operations on cell widgets in a table widget
his procedure is the power spectral density of the simulation, 3 signal source on the specific circumstances, see the "modern digital signal processing" Introduction to the first volume, P202, Exercise 5. Experimental Methods
This is a blog system. And this system can show others owner s theme idea.The owner can publish his article and upload his picture.
In addition, the web application support the statistic function.
The web application can do the foreground and ...
... on computer vision and has published over eighty papers in the fields of Computer Vision, Robotics, and Cognitive Systems. His research interests include Fourier-based computer vision and enactive approaches to cognition.
He is currently a Professor at ...
vhdl code for ALU.i think by reading his code..it will be very easy for you to design an Alu.