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  • myVAD.rar calculate a voice detection.also one can calculate the frequency of his/her voice.
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  • oopthread.rar his is oopthread - C++ wrapper for pthread-compatible implementation. Currently, the library installation is pretty simple one: just put the file oopthread somewhere on your drive and include it in your project. The Doc folder contains ...
  • RGB_and_HSIModelTransformation_Matlabprogram.rar 对于数字图像处理技术中,图像的编码分为RGB和HIS,这个资料讲述了在matlab中如何将两种编码转换,在实际应用中非常广泛!
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  • ucosfor_GCC.rar ... files in this port is based on the Atmel AVR port for the IAR compiler by Ole Saether. Without his work, porting to avr-gcc would have taken much longer. ------------------------------- AVR C COMPILER -------------------------------- 1) This ...
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  • onlineMediaSystem.zip ... the administration or for the visitors. For the administration, first, he has to login in his domain of the website. In his domain, he will be able to add, modify or delete some programs in the database depending on the data provided ...
  • Color_digital_image_sharper.rar 分别采用RGB模型和HIS模型对图像imageLane.bmp进行锐化,并比较锐化的效果是否相同(两锐化后的图像相减)。
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