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  • Tarea_LosPasajerosDelAutobus.zip ... some users of a bus that are sitting in disorder (not in the place their respective tickets said) and the last one reclaims his ticket place, the others must move to their ticket s specified place until they are all in order. This program simulates the ...
  • isopatch.rar ... iso image and inject some data after burning (e.g. configuration - IP, window manager, etx), your client can inject new configuration by his own, this the injection tool, it searches the magic string in the iso and overwrites this with a data from file
  • fun.rar HIS 函数(通用的调用过程,含说明等)
  • HIS.rar B/S的医院管理系统,实现功能,权限控制,门诊收费,出入院。转载CSDN。
  • Myglassdialog.rar This code is useful for code writer to make his beautiful dialog
  • DialogShadow.rar This code is useful for code writer to want to make his dialog more beautiful.
  • HISTORGB.rar 实现了彩色图像的RGB和HIS模型的互换
  • KpImageViewerV2_src.zip The ImageViewer UserControl is something author created to fill in a gap he experienced in displaying images on his forms
  • HIS-2000.zip 该论文实现智能家居系统,希望对做智能家居的同学有帮助
  • CDB5534U_uC_Sample_Code_v11.zip his 8051 microcontroller source is provided as an aid in developing application code for the CS553x family of ADCs. It is not complete in that a copyrighted driver from CYGNAL INTEGRATED PRODUCTS, INC is required for utilization of the Silicon Labs ...