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  • his.rar 发送邮件的简单代码 可对多人进行发送,也可有选择的发送
  • Traveling-Salesman.rar his is the classic traveling salesman problem. A traveling salesman has to visit 19 cities in any order. Each city has a profit to be earned by moving from a city to a different city. Each movement has a different payoff.
  • wStallings4e-ch01_4p.rar ... of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable. —The Art of War, Sun Tzu
  • ColourChange.rar 彩色变换:对给定的一幅RGB原始图像(如bmp格式),给出并显示该图的R、G、B单色图像,绘制R、G、B图像各自的直方图;将RGB方式转换为HIS方式,再给出并显示该图的HIS三个分量的图像。
  • connect.rar The program first starts displaying the assignment title and the group members names followed by a brief introduction on how the game is played. Then, it prompts the users to enter their name in order to address each player by his name at his turn.
  • kalmanintroduction.rar In his 1960 famous publication (“A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems”, Trans.ASME J. Basic Engineering., vol 82, March 1960, pp 34-45), Rudolf Kalman based the construction of the state estimation filter on probability theory, and ...
  • Apress.Pro.ASP.NET.MVC.2.Framework.2nd.Edition.Ju Author Steven Sanderson has seen the ASP.NET MVC Framework mature from the start, so his experience, combined with comprehensive coverage of all the new features, including those in the official MVC development toolkit, offers the clearest understanding ...
  • iris_code_final.rar it is a program to identify the persons using his own iris
  • Face_Recognition.rar it is a program to verify the persons depend on his own face
  • nagyfeladat.rar This is a simple searching program, which can find right from his tmb.