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  • his.rar 常用图像变换程序 直方图均衡化 的小程序
  • Jump.java.rar ... are dead on the spot and the Freeways are clean for the people of United States. Patrick wants you to be with him and drive his special car to make the mission success. Remember they are 40 in total and you have to destroy all of them to make the freeway ...
  • fff.rar ... becoming popular on television these days. In such games, fastest finger first indicators (FFFIs) are used to test the player’s reaction time. The player’s designated number is displayed with an audio alarm when the player presses his entry button.
  • roundsd.zip his little function rounds a number (or the elements of a vector ot matrix) towards the nearest number with N significant digits. Examples: roundsd(0.012345,3) returns 0.0123 roundsd(12345,2) returns 12000 This is a useful complement to Matlab s ...
  • matrice_creuse.rar ... matrices correspond to the systems which are little coupled. If we consider a line of balls(bullets) among which each is connected(bound) with his(her) direct neighbours by elastics(rubber bands), this system would be represented by a hollow matrix.
  • digital_graphics_processing_course_design.rar 分别采用RGB模型和HIS模型对图像imageLane.bmp进行锐化,并比较锐化的效果是否相同(两锐化后的图像相减)。
  • magnifyOnFigure.zip ... range of applications and fields. The Keyboard/mouse or programmatic configuration of this tool allows the user to set her or his own graphic style, to suit the requirements of any publication s editor. More details on interfacing and properties can be ...
  • PixelFusion.rar 图像融合算法及质量评价的程序,其中有HIS、PCA、WAVELET及BROWEY等算法,评价参数有均值、梯度、熵、相关系数等。
  • EXPERT-F.rar ... to the memory of James Huddleston, the editor at Apress who initiated this book project and encouraged the authors with his insights, loyalty, enthusiasm, and humor. Jim passed away in February 2007, an enormous loss to his family, Apress, and the ...
  • his.rar 在labwindows/cvi界面下,实现图象直方图均值化的源代码