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  • air_budd_form_builder ... job admirably for a long time, but I now use [Simple Form](https://github.com/plataformatec/simple_form) instead.* A form builder that generates semantic ... value so it can be submitted, and one for the 'show' page, so we can use the same markup and CSS (c. ...
  • Avatar-Server ... "div><div>host: <span class='popupHighlight'>%1span>div><div>workspace: <span class='popupHighlight'>%2span>div>", // Note escaping of closing <div> tag notCurrentlySyncing: "Not currently ...
  • resume ... // See https://github.com/chjj/marked#options-1 markdown: { smartypants: true } }); ``` ### Configuration At the end of your page you ... ="fragment fade-out">I'll fade in, then outspan> span> ``` The display order of fragments can be ...
  • PHPPdf ... " />

    <span> span> <div> mpetri.github.com ... provided.

    Embeds a web page as a background. Note that the ... class="fragment fade-out">I'll fade in, then outspan> span>

    ``` The display order of fragments can be ...
  • .vim ... com/wordpress" >WordPress
    • span class="post-date right">May 11th, 2011span>div><div class="post-image"> and.01 ... a> of Rackspace Hosting<spanspan> div>