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  • swistrack.tar.gz SwisTrack is a powerful tool for tracking robots, humans, animals and objects using a camera or a recorded video as input source. It uses Intel s OpenCV library for fast image processing and contains interfaces for USB, FireWire and GigE cameras, as ...
  • FSM.rar This program can determin very accurately the nature of the user input.it detects whether it is an integer, a float, a number in scientific notation
  • Assembly.rar 1.Takes a number and return the factorial of it. 2. Decimal input output. 3. Vowel and consonant count. All are Implemented in Assembly.
  • FindCos.zip This program computes the result of cos(x) where x is a input degree in radiansuntil the difference between the last 2 terms is less than or equal to input epsilon.
  • Mscomm.rar 2.MSComm 控件的常用属性 MSComm控件有很多重要的属性,但首先必须熟悉几个属性。 CommPort 设置并返回通讯端口号。 Settings 以字符串的形式设置并返回波特率、奇偶校验、数据位、停止位。 PortOpen 设置并返回通讯端口的状态。也可以打开和关闭端口。 Input 从接收缓冲区返回和删除字符。 Output 向传输缓冲区写一个字符串。
  • PCA.rar These archives develop an PCA to an image, recieving the number of components as an input, besides are included two archives for giving a performance criterion (analisispca.m). The output of the pca function is an reconstructed image, depending on the ...
  • LinuxDeviceDriver-NVRAM.rar Linux设备驱动开发详解源码- | |-- NVRAM驱动 | | `-- generic_nvram.c | |-- 触摸屏驱动 | | |-- 作为input设备 | | | |-- s3c2410_ts.c | | | `-- s3c2410_ts.h | | `-- 作为普通字符设备 | | `-- s3c2410-ts.c | |-- 看门 ...
  • waveInFFT_demo.zip this is FFT program, Input from pc microphone and analysis FFT.
  • Lecture26-MOSTranSmallSigModelAmplifiers.rar MOSFET Small Signal Model and Analysis. Just as we did with the BJT, we can consider the MOSFET amplifier analysis in two parts: • Find the DC operating point • Then determine the amplifier output parameters for very small input signals.
  • OS_Chapter_1.rar Chapter 1 1. Introduction. 2. Process. 3. Memory Management. 4. Communication and Synchronization of Process. 5. Interlocks 6. Input and Output 7. Managing Files and Directories