SwisTrack is a powerful tool for tracking robots, humans, animals and objects using a camera or a recorded video as input source. It uses Intel s OpenCV library for fast image processing and contains interfaces for USB, FireWire and GigE cameras, as ...
This program can determin very accurately the nature of the user input.it detects whether it is an integer, a float, a number in scientific notation
1.Takes a number and return the factorial of it.
2. Decimal input output.
3. Vowel and consonant count.
All are Implemented in Assembly.
This program computes the result of cos(x) where x is a input degree in radiansuntil the difference between the last 2 terms is less than or equal to input epsilon.
2.MSComm 控件的常用属性
CommPort 设置并返回通讯端口号。
Settings 以字符串的形式设置并返回波特率、奇偶校验、数据位、停止位。
PortOpen 设置并返回通讯端口的状态。也可以打开和关闭端口。
Input 从接收缓冲区返回和删除字符。
Output 向传输缓冲区写一个字符串。
These archives develop an PCA to an image, recieving the number of components as an input, besides are included two archives for giving a performance criterion (analisispca.m). The output of the pca function is an reconstructed image, depending on the ...
| |-- NVRAM驱动
| | `-- generic_nvram.c
| |-- 触摸屏驱动
| | |-- 作为input设备
| | | |-- s3c2410_ts.c
| | | `-- s3c2410_ts.h
| | `-- 作为普通字符设备
| | `-- s3c2410-ts.c
| |-- 看门 ...
MOSFET Small Signal Model and Analysis.
Just as we did with the BJT, we can consider the
MOSFET amplifier analysis in two parts:
• Find the DC operating point
• Then determine the amplifier output parameters for very
small input signals.
Chapter 1
1. Introduction.
2. Process.
3. Memory Management.
4. Communication and Synchronization of Process.
5. Interlocks
6. Input and Output
7. Managing Files and Directories