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  • Uk362src.zip Unikey is one of the most popular Vietnamese keyboard drivers. It supports several input types and Vietnamese character sets.
  • i80.zip this source is printport input to 16bit data
  • sq-rt.rar ARM assembly, code warrior, routine for calculating square root of an input number
  • analogue-digi-ana-converter.rar ... system on the Altera NIOS board(QUARTUS) which reads an analogue input, converts it into digital data, and then does the reverse conversion ... . This will be done by taking an analogue an analogue input using SPI MCP3202 12-Bit A/D converter to generate the ...
  • direct264.tar.gz Direct264 - special x264 CLI build that supports input from DirectShow I modified the source code of x264 CLI and this build can now encode from any file playable through DirectShow. Life will be quite easier since avisynth is no longer needed. ...
  • write.zip Assembly program that creates a new file based on the input from the command-line. Usage: ./write new_file.txt
  • sluu341b.rar A 300-W, Universal Input, Isolated PFC Power Supply for LCD TV Applications
  • Base_64_v2.3.4.zip Java class providing very fast Base64 encoding and decoding in the form of convenience methods and input/output streams.
  • CordFitIdeal.rar 坐标转换:已知n个点在a,b两坐标系中的坐标值,采用优化方法求转换关系(标准的7参数转换关系,x,y,z的移动,x,y,z的旋转,以及缩放系数)ps:附带空间旋转公式。input: points in A and B。 output:transfer relationship (u,v,w: shit of x,y,z。 a,b,g: rotate of x,y,z 。k:zoom)
  • nom8pts.zip The Normalized 8 points ALgorithm. It is a normalization on the input data for the 8 points algorithm, propose by Hartley 97