Input 8 bit binary number and print out its decimal equivalent.
This sample shows the use of input and output string functions of emu8086.inc
rsa encryption which ask a user input must me be uppercase letter..
A Kalman filter is a stochastic , recursive estimator , which estimates the state of a system based on the knowledge of the system input, the measurement of the system output, and a model of the relation between input and output.
TRegExpr is easy to use and powerfull tool for sophisticated search and substitutioning and for template-based text checking (especially usefull for user input validation in DBMS and web projects).
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar has been receiving increasing attention
in recent years from researchers, practitioners, and funding agencies. MIMO radar is
characterized by using multiple antennas to simultaneously transmit diverse ( ...
... search for information retrieval programs, first you can get a key words and then it will save them in its format. also with a simple change you can pass a file as input and find related document information. it implements like big engine searches trie.
... ( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local
function named CALLBACK in SI1.M with the given input arguments.
SI1( Property , Value ,...) creates a new SI1 or raises the
existing singleton*. Starting from the left ...
... calling syntax produces a
warning when there is an existing singleton*.
IMPHASOR0( CALLBACK ) and IMPHASOR0( CALLBACK ,hObject,...) call the
local function named CALLBACK in IMPHASOR0.M with the given input
This is visual basic 6 sourcecode include utility
getmacaddress, animate effect, connect printer port,Print via Excel,Input Image to database
sorry my poor english