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  • TRec.src.zip ... is a software to record telephone conversation by means microphone input of PC sound card. It support voice level input ... . When running, the software always check the level of microphone input level. If the level exceed the threshold, the software ...
  • arithmetric.rar This is a set of codes to be copied to the C software and run. It performs arithmetic coding on the input text. It even decodes the encoded text to get back the original text
  • Oscilloscope.zip A C Code has been written to imlement the palm sized oscilloscope. Input is the periodic signal or aperiodic signl of maximum 1khz. This signal would be plotted on the 128x64 Graphical LCD interfaced with the microncontroller 89C52.
  • 1-key-keyboard.zip atmega8 1 button Usb Hid keyboard for input password etc
  • simulatesa6link3DPumaRobot.zip The robot currently moves with kinematic control using direct input of joint angles and slider bars (GUI). Some inverse kinematics ... in but not automated yet (a demo button). A random input is also provided and the robot animates between locations. ...
  • mushroom.zip ... of Information and Computer Science. */ // loads the mushroom database, which is a text file, containing // one training sample per row, all the input variables and the output variable are categorical, // the values are encoded by characters.
  • DDS_FINAL.zip ... , India. This DDS system generate the square wave, Triangular wave,Sine wave and saw wave with different frequency. We can change the frequency using frequency selector input. Please accept this project. We use the SPARTAN 3E 500 device to implement it.
  • lcd_controleur.rar Lcd controller, Input is a 128 bit port (4 bit for each carracter do draw a hex value)
  • bassmix24.zip Bassmix 2.4 for Delphi 7 base from Bass.dll mixer audio input
  • directinput.rar direct input 8的使用例子 哈哈