... the convergence properties and the performance of turbo receivers. Turbo receivers are generally constructed from two or more Soft Input Soft Output (SISO) modules. By simulating a single SISO module, the transfer characteristic of the SISO module can be ...
a program asks the user to input a two digit decimal number and display the equivalent hexadecimal number
k-mean program INPUT
A Matrix or dataset
K Number of clusters to find (optional default: 2)
MAXIT maximum number of iterations (optional default: 50)
INIT Labels for initialisation, or
rand : take at ...
... final dimension,
i.e., A(:,:,m), C(:,:,m), Q(:,:,m), R(:,:,m).
However, init_x and init_V are independent of model(1).
u - u(:,t) the control signal at time t [ [] ]
B - B(:,:,m) the input regression matrix for model m
sound recorder, this code to get input mic from computer
vb file for analogue input read in pc we can any microcontroller
This source code is BPSK Code.
this algorithm is
first input data quantity
second create rand bits
third modulate and force to AWGN to data
fourth demodulate
fifth BER check