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  • partest.zip This function calculate the performance, based on Bayes theorem, of a clinical test. The input is based on a 2x2 matrix (true positive, false positives false negative, true negatives). The Outputs are: - Prevalence of disease - Test Sensibility with ...
  • convolenc.rar M-file encodes that the binary sequence given at its input.in this file x denotes the input sequence and it can be of any length.it performs the encoding using logical functions.
  • 3DGraph.zip ... XY- , XZ- , and the YZ-plane are shown. By moving the hairlines the user can scan through the the various voxel planes. Input files can be either binary or ascii. To visualize dicom files a parser utility is incorporated so that the dicom files can be ...
  • DeblurringImagesUsingtheBlindDeconvolutionAlgorit ... damped Richardson-Lucy algorithm is used in each iteration. Additional optical system (e.g. camera) characteristics can be used as input parameters that could help to improve the quality of the image restoration. PSF constraints can be passed in through ...
  • LucyRichardsonAlgorithm.rar ... noise. The blurred and noisy image is restored by the iterative, accelerated, damped Lucy-Richardson algorithm. The additional optical system (e.g. camera) characteristics can be used as input parameters to improve the quality of the image restoration.
  • udecode.rar Input datatype is signed or unsigned integers in the range of [0 2^N-1]. Output datatype is double. Saturates input if overflow occurs.
  • VirtualKeyboard_full_3_6_1.zip ... and makes reading boring. If this is the case, open the VirtualKeyboard site and begin typing. It will make the text input as comfortable, as with the native keyboard layout. You might want to integrate such a keyboard in your own application, like ...
  • CustomDataPipeExample.rar ... /latitude coordinates via a form. The recordset is then used as input into the BufferPipe to create an output recordset containing a buffer zone at a distance of 300 miles from the input point. All 3 recordsets are displayed in the MapView: the states ...
  • IOPortD7.rar Input Output VCL For Delphi 7
  • Tools.zip This tool gives you the md5 of a file. Just input the name.