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  • Collective-Intelligence-Toolbox ... http://annocpan.org/dist/Collective-Intelligence-Toolbox CPAN Ratings http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/Collective-Intelligence-Toolbox Search CPAN http://search.cpan.org/dist/Collective-Intelligence-Toolbox/ COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE ...
  • programming-collective-intelligence-ruby Ruby ports from the book examples and exercises This are ruby ports from the Programming Collective Intelligence. I'll write a better README when I have the time.
  • Learning-Programming-Collective-Intelligence Implement "Programming Collective Intelligence" code with Perl
  • project-collective-intelligence scripts of colletive intelligence #to create local repository mkdir ~/project-collective-intelligence cd ~/project-collective-intelligence #install virtualenv #ubuntu install sudo apt-get install easy_install sudo easy_install virtualenv # ...
  • vbx-intelligence Open VBX Framework for realtime display of contextual business intelligence http://www.openvbx.org PLEASE NOTE THIS PLUGIN IS ... You can easily customize these widgets to provide the intelligence you need. Customization instructions: 1) Define your widget ...
  • Programming-Collective-intelligence-PHP Samples from the "Programming Collective intelligence" book in PHP Test
  • programming-collective-intelligence-in-ruby Idiomatic Ruby rewrite of Python code for Programming Collective Intelligence book
  • programming-collective-intelligence Exercises from Programming Collective Intelligence This repository contains my experiments with the exercises from Programming Collective Intelligence published by O'Reilly.
  • Artificial-Intelligence-Module-for-a-Car-Race An implementation of an artificial intelligence module in Java
  • casehistory-intelligence ... the best ones that relate to the queried news story, from a set of search results. We have a couple of choices for implementing Intelligence, to begin with. These are: (i) Python based NLTK (ii) Java based Apache Mahout Right now, NLTK seems a nice and ...