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  • Computational-Intelligence Intelligence Computational 1 - Perceptron Simple para correr el programa: - posicionarse dentro de la carpeta '1-perceptron-simple-multicapa' - correr el comando > ruby -I lib/ bin/runner
  • Programming-Collective-Intelligence Programming Exercises from Programming Collective Intelligence
  • Artificial-Intelligence-Samples Code samplesof different artificial intelligence engines. Done in python
  • scripting-intelligence-book-examples ... Scripting Intelligence: Web 3.0 Information Gathering and Processing" Dear Reader, That you for purchasing my book: "Scripting Intelligence, Web 3.0 Information Gathering and Processing" APress 2009 This directory contains the source code and data for ...
  • programming-collective-intelligence-code Examples from Programming Collective Intelligence Examples from Programming Collective Intelligence ( http://oreilly.com/catalog/9780596529321/ )
  • artificial-intelligence-programs Programs developed during course "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" projects developed during course "Intoduction to Artificial Intelligence" siiw-1: some programs using JaCoP library siiw-2: genetic algorithm used for TSP problem siiw-3: neural ...
  • intelligence intelligence by mahout ============
  • Intelligence ... than Result -> Store -> Input -> Process -> Action) ### Basic Assumptions Intelligence Does *not* Make - Mind understands inputs other than ... input. ##### Earth Earth is the world in which Intelligence is tested. ##### Thought Thought is the process of ...
  • Programming-Collective-Intelligence-in-Haskell ... examples from Programming Collective Intelligence rewritten in Haskell A Haskell rewrite of the Python code in Programming Collective Intelligence [http://www.amazon.com/Programming-Collective-Intelligence-Building-Applications/dp/0596529325] So far I' ...
  • Business-Intelligence-Tools-Repository Resources for Business Intelligence & Decision Support Systems Development Business-Intelligence-Tools-Repository ====================================== Resources for Business Intelligence & Decision Support Systems Development