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  • collective-intelligence collective intelligence exercise
  • Clojure-Collective-Intelligence collective intelligence algorithms implemented with Clojure
  • Programming-Collective-Intelligence Clojure code for the book Programming Collective Intelligence # pci FIXME: write description ## Usage FIXME: write ## License Copyright (C) 2011 FIXME Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
  • CS580---Artificial-Intelligence Weekly assignments from my Artificial Intelligence class. All of the assignments are code-by-example, so most of the code was already provided to us. We just had to change various parts of the given code.
  • paradigms-of-artificial-intelligence ... code examples of Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence in Clojure # paradigms-of-artificial-intelligence I couldn't sleep the ... I'd start going through the Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence book with Clojure. ## License Copyright © 2011 Paul ...
  • Artificial-Intelligence-and-Machine-Learning ... , Classifiers * K-means Clustering and Principal Component Analysis * Anomaly Detection and Recommender Systems * Artificial Intelligence for Robotics: http://www.udacity.com/course/cs373 * Localization: Monte-Carlo, Kalman Filters, ...
  • Mission-Intelligence-Wordpress-Theme Welcome to the Mission Intelligence Wordpress Theme project!
  • Evolutionary-computation-and-Swarm-intelligence- Evolutionary computation and Swarm intelligence Intelligence Computational Computación evolutiva - Inteligencia de Enjambre Para ver los ejercicio ver el archivo: gtp4_2010.pdf para correr el programa: - correr el comando > ruby -I lib/ bin/runner ...
  • Computational-Intelligence Intelligence Computational 1 - Perceptron Simple para correr el programa: - posicionarse dentro de la carpeta '1-perceptron-simple-multicapa' - correr el comando > ruby -I lib/ bin/runner 2 - RBF SOM para correr el programa: - posicionarse ...
  • Environmental-Intelligence ... Intelligence Repository ============================================== This is a project to exploit environmental data and apply it to intelligence gathering and operational efforts. Currently, the project includes a simple model for Observations and a ...