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  • Manage.rar DOS下仿命令行操作的学籍管理系统,其中用到了文件、链表、还有多态等技术
  • DigiD.rar software to manage contacts
  • Beginning.MySQL.rar ... allows you to work through the steps necessary to install MySQL 4.1 on Linux and Windows platforms, create and manage MySQL databases, query and manipulate data stored in those databases, administer the MySQL database management system, and connect to ...
  • catralibraries-1.4.rar CatraLibraries is a general-purpose C++ framework. It is platform independent (Unix, Windows, ...) and provides classes to manage POSIX threads, Sockets, Tracer, Scheduler, EventsSet, Configuration files, Database access (Oracle, Sybase), Reports (HTML...
  • TheEJBest.zip The program can manage at the same time manually entered trades at any time (they have a magic number of 0)
  • Managmening_a_club.zip this is to manage all operation for a club, easy to use and modify .
  • teeth.zip this project for manage a teeth clinic and register the patient records on the system
  • front-matter.rar ... : how to organize your work, give a presentation, work in a team, cope with your supervisor, and how to effectively manage your time.When asked, former PhD students usually claim that the general experience of being a graduate student, which includes ...
  • motogp2000-manage.rar 摩托罗拉的GP2000对讲机 手工改频 不用写频器
  • AlbumPhoto.zip Album photo to manage pictures. Add pictures to database using .txt files. The program is implemented in C++. Different research type acessible like Cloud Tag or key words