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  • mo-git-blame ... Copyright --------- Copyright (C) 2009 Moritz Bunkus mo-git-blame is free software; you can redistribute ... github's issue tracker: https://github.com/mbunkus/mo-git-blame/issues Patches, source code -------------------- The latest ...
  • mo ... node.js's architecture based on guile and libuv. # mo ## mo(re) = guile + libuv mo is an attempt to copy node.js's ... cd mo ./configure make make install ## Example See `test/test_http.mo`: (require-mo "http" 'http) (http/start-server "" ...
  • Mo-Chat-Client Java localhost chat client Mo-Chat-Client ============== Java localhost chat client
  • mo mo ==
  • mo-haskell MoPub Employees Sharing Tasks to Learn Haskell mo-haskell ========== MoPub Employees Sharing Tasks to Learn Haskell
  • Mo-Menu A simple drop-in jQuery mobile menu solution. # Mo' Menu! Short for 'Mobile Menu', this is a tiny jQuery plugin I ... the auto option to true will automatically prepend the Mo Menu container to the body. This makes the plugin completely hands off ...
  • mo ... .js', '//ipic.staticsdo.com/external/sdo_beacon.js?143620473756', function () { _ximg = ['www.gif']; ku_track(); _st(); }); ``` ``` js //when domready mo(function() { // use your plugin :) }); ``` Exhaustive list of ways to use mo.js ...
  • mo-fu.org mo-fu.org # mo-fu.org > n ## Build Setup ``` bash # install dependencies $ npm install # Or yarn install # serve with hot reload at localhost:3000 $ npm run dev # build for production and launch server $ npm run build $ npm start # generate static ...
  • mo mo
  • mo ... library var $ = require('jquery'); $.easing['jswing'] = $.easing['swing']; $.extend($.easing, easingLib.functions); require('mo/mainloop').config({ easing: easingLib.functions }); require('choreo').config({ easing: easingLib }); ``` ### mo/ ...