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  • 20081209_Test_maus.zip Its project to move your mouse cursor on a vga monitor. it is very funny -)
  • MultiParcelMoov.zip MultiParcel you can Move at a time
  • ComputerLocker.rar What happens with your machine when you need to move away from the computer for 10 or more minutes? How secure is your data? Can someone sit on your chair while you are at a coworkers office and play with your data? Maybe you need a computer locking ...
  • sherpa-0.6.9.src.tar.gz ... a file browser that is easy to use and flexible, allowing configuration to match the expectations of users as they move from operating system to operating system. Users ------ The project aims to create a program that will aid the non-technical ...
  • move.rar 利用javascript实现图片的滑动功能
  • belka.rar Inverted pendulum in cart controled by torque. It contains regulators: one to move it, second to stabilize pendulum, and last to stabilize the cart
  • move.rar 使用单片机keilc51编程,实现数码管移动功能.
  • vocShifter_admon_memory.rar a window program i wrote to help review vocabulary. enter some new words each day when u are reviewing words, u should move forgotten words to the bottom.
  • MMDENG_MMCOMENG.rar ... IT MM) is a production component with a client-server architecture that facilitates the management of materials as they move through manufacturing facilities (e.g. create, assign location, move, consume lot/sublot). This management is critical for ...
  • howto_move_form_wo_title.zip how to move a form without caption