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  • programming-c.rar void amemmove(char * dst, const char * src, size_t nbytes) To move memory blocks and function - size_t absearch(const void * key, const void * base, size_t size, size_t elem_size, int (* compare)(const void * k, const void * p))
  • Maze(2).rar this maze game by netbeans IDE that worked by java language by this game you can drow your maze that contain more obstacles and object move between these obstcles
  • move-ball.rar 一个移动的小球 可以按照已经设定好的路线进行平移
  • move.zip 图片随机出现,每个1000毫秒,随机刷新坐标,及图片每个一秒随机出现一次
  • picture-move-java-da.zip 图片随机出现,每个1000毫秒,随机刷新坐标,及图片每个一秒随机出现一次
  • 5-programs.zip 关于c语言小游戏程序,BUS4.c是按键盘实现小车按该移动躲避障碍,全部躲避后胜利;LEIDA.c是雷达;BALL3.c是小球移动;MOVE.c是图片横向拉屏;PCX.c是图片调用程序
  • PuyoGame.zip ... Game is developed in Java. In this game , Spheres(puyos) come down from the top of the game board in pairs.A player can move(left & right & down) and rotate them on their way down. 2) Spheres come in 4 different colors: red, blue, green, and yellow. ...
  • task.zip task in C++ that is * queen problem.and fine path how queen move
  • move-box.rar 一个自己编写的推箱子游戏,详细介绍了编程的要求与各个模块
  • Move.rar DirectX实现球体随地面起伏移动,有键盘响应和光照等渲染效果