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  • ZeroVSH_Patcher_v0.1[SRC].zip (PSP) zero VSH patch move vsh files from flash0 to memory stick to applt themes from memory stick
  • move-track.zip 使用OpenCV 来寻找轮廓实现视频流的运动目标检测 能检测一段视频或网络摄像头实时读入视频中的运动物体
  • move-picture.rar vc++实例 动态移动的动漫图片效果,其余窗口透明色的
  • Prueba_MoverControl.rar this pragram was designed to test keyboard and move an object in windows forms
  • TestVehicle.rar 交通工具类,继承,java语言,move、speedup等函数
  • square.zip Move square on monitor and change color with FPGA
  • zhan.rar ... Gridland are randomly scattered around the country. A position in Gridland is given by a pair (x,y) of integer coordinates. Soldiers can move - in one move, one soldier can go one unit up, down, left or right (hence, he can change either his x or his y ...
  • Gravity.zip A program with bgi graphics that calculates gravity from three planets on a point, showing the acceleration vectors. Right click to move the planets, left click to move the point.
  • Interrupcio.rar Rapid program to move a ABB robot
  • FileGuard-safe-hook.zip 文件过滤驱动,File filter driver intercepts file functions include copy, move, Read, Write, and get the file information, and so on. -File system driver.