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  • MoveBuffer.rar Delphi sample move buffer
  • refactor.rar ... (best practices),并指出何时何地你应该开始挖掘你的代码以求改善。本书的核心是壹份完整的重构名录(catalog of refactoring),其中每壹项都介绍壹种经过实证的代码变换手法(code transformation)的动机和技术。某些项目如Extract Method和Move Field看起来可能很浅显,但不要掉以轻心,因为理解这类技术正是有条不紊地进行重构的关键。本书所提的这些重构准则将帮助你壹次壹小步地修改你的代码,这就减少了过程中的风险。很快你就会把这些重构准则和其名称 ...
  • Handle-quando-move-a-janela-do-IE---Visual-C-P-P. BHO2 - Developer for visual c++
  • Advanced.ASIC.Chip.Synthesis.zip ... Scale Integration) were fortunately left in the annals of history as the more insightful realized that the consequences of Moore s Law would quickly require us to move beyond the confines of the English language to create appropriate superlatives.
  • testAI.rar ... , dtAI, dtDAL, dtActors, dtAnim Purpose ------- To provide an example of how to use dtAI::AStar to move a dtChar::Character between waypoints. Controls -------- N - Toggle NavMesh rendering Space - Toggle overhead view A - Zoom in ...
  • nacsphpfront.zip ... plans for full Unicode support. However, Unicode support took developers much longer to implement than originally thought, and the decision was made in March 2010 to move the project to a branch, with features still under development moved to trunk.
  • A-Simulation-System-for-Multi-Mobile-Events-in-WS ... physical and cyber infrastructure. In this paper, we investigate how the sensor network performs in the case when three events move with special movement path. We compare the simulation results for three cases: stationary, random and simple 4 path. We ...
  • pso.rar ... is influenced by its local best known position and is also guided toward the best known positions in the search-space, which are updated as better positions are found by other particles. This is expected to move the swarm toward the best solutions.
  • picture-move.rar 这段小代码能很好实现多张图片滚动的立体效果
  • WindowControl.zip Find windows by filters of visible, enable, child, no title, no size. Display process name, title, visible, enable, window handle, window position, size and execution file with folder. Control visible, enable, position, size and monitor to move and etc.