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  • sawe.zip 支付红利的最优投资消费模型研究.Dividend study on optimal investment and consumption model.
  • cordexch.zip Generates a D-optimal design of experiments.
  • rowexch.zip Generates a D-Optimal design of experiments using a row-exchange algorithm as opposed to a coordinate-exchange algorithm.
  • candgen.zip Generates candidate set for the D-Optimal design.
  • aw2.zip 一类最优相位协变量子克隆.A class of optimal phase Cloning covariates.
  • CARS.zip CARS相邻能级选择激发最佳可调参数的设计.CARS adjacent level selective excitation optimal adjustable parameter design
  • AirPlane.rar This is a Web Application for ROUTE FIND in a airplane tickets database. It include database creation script. For finding optimal route it use Dijkastra Algorithm
  • optim_control_matlab.rar optimal control code.this code for optimal controller
  • Reinforcement-Learning.rar using reinforcement leaning to find optimal policy
  • varfor.zip ... (VAR) estimation and direct forecasting with VECM. Uses Le Sage vare.m Code embeds lrvar.m to compute LRT for optimal VAR size and compmatrix.m to find companion matrix of coefficient vectors. Performs also in- and out-of-sample forecasting. ...